Digital safety training

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Staff digital security upskilling is key to protecting your business.

A cyber-attack or data breach will have a huge impact on your business – reputationally, financially, and operationally. 

When people know how to recognize the signs of a scam or cyber threat and understand the action they need to take to protect information, they’re undoubtedly your best defence against cyber-crime. 

Watch a short video from our ‘How to spot cyber scams’ course below.

Our short, interactive training courses cover essential security practices. 

  • Perfect for businesses with their own learning management system (LMS) who need specialist cyber security courses.

  • Pre-built or customised courses to suit your ways of working, business culture and brand.

  • Take advantage of Mindshift’s extensive expertise and experience in this subject.

  • SCORM files provided for upload to your LMS then you’re good to go!

Cyber security training courses

Get started with cyber security – a guide for business 

This course covers how and why cyber-attacks and data breaches happen, and how they can be avoided. Course content helps businesses get to grips with the proactive measures needed to defend against cyber security threats. Also included is practical guidance on cyber safe work practices including what to do in the event of a cyber security issue. 

What is cyber security   

This course covers why information is so valuable to cyber-attackers, how they go about getting their hands on it, what cyber security is and how it can reduce the risk of information being stolen, or accidentally being shared with the wrong people. 

Passwords & multi-factor authentication  

This course covers how and why to use long and strong passwords and passphrases, what a password manager is and how it can help keep passwords safe. And what multi-factor authentication (MFA) is and how it provides extra security to online accounts. 

Cyber safe workspaces & devices   

This course covers the ways to keep workspaces (office and home) cyber safe, why and how to keep devices up-to-date and secure. 

How to spot cyber scams   

This course covers different types of scams, including how phishing emails trick people into sharing passwords and other confidential information with cyber-criminals. Learners will pick up some great tips to spot warning signs and understand what to do if a phishing email ends up in their mailbox, either at work or at home. 

Communicating safely   

This course covers why sharing too much information online is risk and the checks people can do when sending email, to avoid accidental data slip-ups.